Views from the Summits:
Mount Wynn
This is a view of Mount Wynn from the Cracker Lake Trail. We are facing east.
Mount Wynn (8,404 feet) is located in the Many Glacier Area, just east of the Many Glacier Hotel. This peak provides extremely interesting views of the Many Glacier Valley, the Cracker Lake Area, and of the Many Glacier Hotel itself.
To get to Mount Wynn, we parked our truck at the Many Glacier Hotel parking lot and took the Cracker Lake Trail. Several miles up the trail we had to leave the trail and begin a very unpleasant "bushwack" through an extremely dense forest for nearly two hours.
Views from the Summit
This is a fantastic view of the Many Glacier Area from the east. (We are facing west.) Notice Swiftcurrent Lake in the bottom right hand corner of the photo. You can actually see the tour boat heading up the lake. The large mountain in the upper right corner is Mount Wilbur, and the sharp peak to the far left is Grinnell Mountain. The snow covered peaks in the far distance are peaks located in the Livingston Range, such as Vulture Peak.
Here's a classic view of the Cracker Lake Area. The large peak to the right is Allen Mountain, and the large peak to the left is Mount Siyeh. The turquoise lake at the head of the canyon is obviously Cracker Lake. We are facing straight south. (We are about 500 feet from the summit of Wynn when we took this photo.)
This is a great shot of the Many Glacier Hotel (lower right) and the surrounding area. The tall peak in the center of the photo is Mount Wilbur. Just behind Wilbur is where Iceberg Lake is located. (We are facing straight west.)
The lake far below us to the north is Sherbourne Lake. Yellow Mountain vividly shows up to the north, and you can get a glimpse of the northeastern praire. You can see the Many Glacier Road on the far shore.
What a great view of the Cracker Lake Area!
The Many Glacier Area as seen from the upper ridge of Mount Wynn.
Allen Mountain (right) is a monstrous mountain. Lake Josephine is on the other side of this huge peak, to the west. You can see Mount Gould peeking at us on the upper right slope of Allen Mountain.
There's nothing like a day on top of the world!