Views from the Summits:
Crowfeet Mountain

This is a photo of Crowfeet Mountain from the summit of Mount Henkel. We are facing northeast. The lake, which is thousands of feet below both Henkel and Crowfeet, is Kennedy Lake. Beyond Crowfeet Mountain is Red Gap Pass, appropriately named for the vivid red rock on the pass.
Crowfeet Mountain (8,914 feet) provides impressive view of the Many Glacier Area, Ptarmigan Tunnel Area and Mount Merritt. This peak is located straight east of Ptarmigan Lake as you are working your way up to Ptarmigan Tunnel. The location of this peak makes it a real pleasure to summit because the climber is rewarded with incredible views.
Views from the Summit

Mount Merritt dominates the skyline to the west. This famous mountain (to the right) is one of the six peaks over 10,000 feet in Glacier. Old Sun Glacier rests on its great east face. The Glacier to the left is Ahern Glacier, and the lake far below us is Ptarmigan Lake.

Kennedy Lake lies thousands of feet below Crowfeet Mountain. In this photo, we are facing south. The peak above the lake is Mount Henkel, which is the peak that sits just to the north of the Swiftcurrent Motor Inn in the Many Glacier Area. You can get to Crowfeet by following the ridge once you've summitted Henkel.

We really enjoyed our afternoon on Crowfeet Mountain.

In this photo, we are still about 2,000 vertical feet from the summit, but it's a good shot of Iceberg Lake to the southwest.

We are facing south. Notice the lake to the right of Shannon. This is Swiftcurrent Lake, which is where the Many Glacier Hotel is located. The taller peak on the horizon (to the right) is Mount Gould, and you can see a portion of Grinnell Glacier peeking out at us. Mount Henkel is the closer peak to the far left of the photo. Shannon is on the ridge between Henkel and Crowfeet. The summit of Crowsfeet is to the north of Shannon, out of view in this photo.

This is a view to the northeast. Notice the famous Chief Mountain in the upper left hand corner of the photo. Red Gap Pass is further to the left, out of view. This valley separates Yellow Mountain to the north (the bright tan colored mountain), and Apikuni Mountain, located to the right of this photo, out of view. Poia Lake is seen in the far distance down this broad valley.

The summit of Crowfeet is protected by what we call "castle walls". Shannon is only about 100 feet from the summit, but we had to find a break in these cliffs to reach it.

Shannon on the true summit of Crowfeet Mountain. The camera is facing straight south. Mount Gould is the peak to the far right, which Grinnell Glacier below it.

Swiftcurrent Lake and Valley is to the south of Crowsfeet. Mount Gould is in distant center, and the sharp peak to it's right is Grinnell Mountain.

Another view of Chief Mountain from the summit of Crowfeet Mountain.

This photo (facing northwest) shows you the Ptarmigan Tunnel Area. Notice the trail on the far side of Ptarmigan Lake. That's the trail you take to reach the tunnel.

Eating a snack before we climb up through the "castle wall" that protects the summit of Crowfeet Mountain.

Another glorious view from the summit of Crowfeet Mountain.